UE changemaker challenge 2022

It all begins with an idea…

Jack Deig submitted the concept for Hydration Station into the 2022 University of Evansville Changemaker Challenge. This annual competition, conducted by U of E, invites any high school junior or senior in the world to submit their ideas to make the world a better place.

Jack’s original idea, to make easily accessible water dispensing units placed throughout Evansville for a healthier, more hydrated community, won 3rd place in the local competition and 2nd in the global competition.

  • Jack Deig


    Jack is currently a sophomore at University of Evansville in Evansville, IN. He is studying business, double majoring in Marketing and Management. He is passionate about improving his local community by making Evansville a cleaner, greener place to live.

  • Collin Lloyd


    Collin is currently a freshman at Washington University in St Louis, studying political science & environmental policy on a Pre-Law track. Collin is involved in the Jazz Band at WashU, and is looking to expand his knowledge in the field of Graphic Design and Communications in order to further the mission at Hydration Station.

  • Michael Heiger


    Michael Heiger is currently a senior at Castle High School. Michael is the Vice President of the Knight Sensations, on the drum-line, and he is a shift leader at Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt. Next, Michael plans to attend Indiana University to major in music performance and business psychology.

  • Ben Ziliak


    Ben is a freshman at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University Bloomington, studying Finance and hoping to double major in Accounting. As sponsorship coordinator, Ben is responsible for collecting sponsorships in hopes of achieving funds for new Hydration Stations.

  • Alyssa Chaffee


    Alyssa Chaffee is a professional writing major with a communications minor at Purdue University set to graduate in spring 2025. She is focused on technical writing and digital marketing, set to create a career out of her passion for writing. She is so excited to work with Hydration Station!